Hello everyone,
I’m getting married in Asheville, NC and I have only visited once a long time ago. I don’t really remember much about specific breweries or locations.
What would be the best area for a bus to drop off approximately 20-30 people to do some brewery hopping/entertainment?
I am looking at the River Arts district with Wicked Weed, Burial, etc. Are there any other “districts” or areas that would be fun spots for a large group to walk to multiple breweries?
Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you
Pergunta genuína pois já dei respostas variadas pra isso quando recebi.
Eu particularmente odeio essa pergunta, preferiria que simplesmente me falassem o que querem fazer.
Quando eu recebo um “curte o que?” instintivamente eu responderia o que me excita (amassos, beijos, tipo de corpo que me atrai etc), mas sinto que os caras só querem saber se sou ativo ou passivo.
E vocês?
MVP for most of the game was Nidoqueen. Always a strong reliable choice. Normally I go for the king, but I wanted to change things up.
Pidgeot was a monster in the League. It took out 3 of the rival's Pokémon and was huge in taking down Bruno and Lance. The changes made took it from my least favorite Gen1 bird to a really fun, solid addition to the team.
Arcanine was deadweight. It was bad from day 1, barely did anything in any of the gym battles and I only threw it out once in the E4 just for it to die to Executor. Fire types suck in Gen1, more at 11.
Rereading again and this great exchange really jumps off the page, and seems to suggest that in Dany's case there's probably a very relevant definitive answer to this question:
>“Not all your enemies are in the Yellow City. Beware men with cold hearts and blue lips. You had not been gone from Qarth a fortnight when Pyat Pree set out with three of his fellow warlocks, to seek for you in Pentos.”
>Dany was more amused than afraid. “It is good I turned aside, then. Pentos is half a world from Meereen.”
>“This is so,” he allowed, “yet soon or late word must reach them of the dragon queen of Slaver’s Bay.”
>“Is that meant to frighten me? I lived in fear for fourteen years, my lord. I woke afraid each morning and went to sleep afraid each night … but my fears were burned away the day I came forth from the fire. Only one thing frightens me now.”
>“And what is it that you fear, sweet queen?”
>“I am only a foolish young girl.” Dany rose on her toes and kissed his cheek. “But not so foolish as to tell you that. My men shall look at these ships. Then you shall have my answer.” (Daenerys III, ADWD)
So what do you think that one thing is? My money's on "looking back", specifically to why she *really* stepped into that fire, and why she was fine with taking that gamble on that particular day, but I'd love to hear other thoughts anyone has about it all too :)
i am spli between 24g2spae vs original 24g2 why these too they are avilable in my region it costs 50$ aprox with tax to sip to here. I am looking also in color accuracy and delta e performance also out of box calibration .|the 24g2 original was a popular monitor i am confident i can get 3 used but is it worth the hastle
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As of 02/16/25 08:18 PM EST
Spent years looking for the ideal partner, gave up on so many situationships because they didn’t fulfill me the what I needed. Finally met a woman that was perfect for me, gorgeous personality, beautiful body, traditional values, loyal and caring. Had dated her for almost a year then she got pregnant with my child but sadly miscarried, not too long after she decided she wanted to move on from our relationship. I feel a deep sorrow, not only did I lose my unborn child but I also lost the love of my life and not my chest is heavy with grief. Currently feeling awful and not sure how I’ll move forward. Dating isn’t easy, more so when you’re an overweight balding guy like I am. No telling how many years I’ll be single this time, I just want a wife and children man
I'm not gonna lie, after all these years of the way Rockstar has been producing trailers for this series, I wouldn't mind a change.
Like instead of it just having just a song like always, and being pretty silly and short (the trailers are usually like a min to 1:30 I believe), I would like to see them do a movie trailer style showing. Like where it's 2:20 or around that length. And it can still have a song, just maybe the first half, then the second half gets more serious and has a original musical score, like movie trailers usually do.
I know I know it's not a movie. Whatever, I'd like to see them try something different for once in that regard. Especially since it looks like a Bonnie and Clyde type story where these two characters seem like they will be important to each other but something will threaten to sabotage their relationship. Idk just an idea I thought was cool. Hell it's the most anticipated game ever try something new
My daughter, at the time a freshman in high school, was an introvert who mostly had guy friends (this is important for later). Every day she’d come home and talk about this jerk (we’ll call him Senior Boy) at lunch who kept talking sexually to her, which she hated and constantly asked him to stop (It turns out, he WAS a senior and 18 years old and was actually a senior—hence his name). She sat at a large table of mostly her guy friends, and NO ONE would stand up for her.
I said she should talk to the school counselor about it, which she always said wouldn’t help. I said I’D come with her to talk to the counselor, because this was bullshit. She said no, that it wouldn’t change anything, and she would either do something about it or not.
WELL, the next day, she went to the school counselor and aired out the daily harassment she was put through, and the counselor came through in SO many ways!
First, SC (School Counselor) came to the lunch table and called Senior Boy away to rip him a new one for sexually harassing a minor, and reminded him that he could be arrested and charged for that.
Then she called my daughter to join in said ripping, and they told Senior Boy if he said ONE WORD that was remotely sexual to her it would be reported he could be arrested and have that on his permanent record.
THEN SC came BACK to the table and ripped ALL of the other boys who were friends with my daughter for not stepping in and shutting Senior Boy down. She shamed them for not having the guts to defend their friend when they knew she didn’t like what Senior Boy was saying.
The wimpy friends blamed my daughter for “getting them in trouble”, and my (now superhero) daughter told them they should have stood up for her and it was their own fault for letting him sexually harass her every day. She was very happy with the outcome.
The most wonderful thing about this whole situation was that the next year, sexual harassment was listed as a punishable offense in the student handbook. My brilliant strong daughter did that for her whole school.
She was amazing, and I’m so proud of her.
In the 90's Shredd and Ragan sometimes alluded to the fact that Candlebox did something bad that they would not talk about at a show in Buffalo and that's why they have been banned from The Edge.
I've never been able to find a news article about this alleged incident. Does anyone remember what happened?
I’m looking for a Shopify app or tool that lets me print packing lists for individual boxes within an order. Each box might have different items, so I need a way to generate a packing list that shows exactly what’s in each one. Do you have any suggestions?
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Had a dream I was sat in maths talking to my friend. The fire alarm went off and instead of the loud ringing, it was Strange Days by the Doors - my favourite band. I started singing along and everyone was staring at me. As we were evacuating the building, my friend asked me, “Why are you singing along to the fire alarm? This is serious…”, very confusing for me. Woke up and the song was playing.
I was recently cleaning at my great grandmas house and came across a box belonging to my great grandpa and in the box was a golden ring with the square and compass on it and iirc had an engraving on it that said something about 33rd degree scottish rite. I will update tm with a picture of ring.